July 27, 2020

Phase 1 and Phase 2

Some temples have re-opened.   Phase 1, includes members who are already endowed, being able to be sealed together.  Phase 2, includes members who need their OWN PERSONAL endowment done, to be able to have that ordinance performed.

See the announcement here

I am missing the temple SO much.  I want to go back so badly.  The first presidency announced a change in the endowment.   I am looking forward to temples re-opening.

Click here for video of our Prophet, and his feelings about the temple closures

April 08, 2020

Our Temples are Closed

Who would have thought that when I went to the temple on March 6th, that it would be the last time............for while..........

It seemed that on March 12th, our world as we knew it "blew up".

Now here it is, April 8th.............

This is a portion of the Dedicatory prayer for the Salt Lake Temple on April 6, 1893 by President Wilford Woodruff.  It brings me HOPE and COMFORT

“Heavenly Father, when Thy people shall not have the opportunity of entering this holy house to offer their supplications unto Thee, and they are oppressed and in trouble, surrounded by difficulties or assailed by temptation and shall turn their faces toward this Thy holy house and ask Thee for deliverance, for help, for Thy power to be extended in their behalf, we beseech Thee, to look down from Thy holy habitation in mercy and tender compassion upon them, and listen to their cries. Or when the children of Thy people, in years to come, shall be separated, through any cause, from this place, and their hearts shall turn in remembrance of Thy promises to this holy Temple, and they shall cry unto Thee from the depths of their affliction and sorrow to extend relief and deliverance to them, we humbly entreat Thee to Turn Thine ear in mercy to them; hearken to their cries, and grant unto them the blessings for which they ask.”

I know that the temples will re-open, this COVID 19 will pass, and I will rejoice in the day when I can go to the temple once again !

March 06, 2020

Another Friday at the Temple

Another Friday at the Temple while Roger was a work.  It was super busy, and there were 16 women ahead of me for initiatory work.  Took me about an hour to do the work for five women.  

February 14, 2020

Friday at the Temple

Friday afternoon, I went to the temple while Roger was at the airport
I completed initiatory work for four women.

I saw Shelley Poll Hopkin, John Toone, Jean Dickson, and Lanette Ericksen while I was there.  It was a good day in the temple.  

January 31, 2020

Temple with LuAnn

You can't tell, but it's snowing !  When we came out of the temple last Friday morning (Jan 24, 2020), it was coming down hard.  We had a great morning in the temple doing initiatory work.  We had both gathered 5 names (each) from Family Search.  The individuals I did work for were all women born in the late 1800's.  Most were from Sweden and Denmark, but one was from Italy.  They are all distant relations.  It was wonderful to spend time with LuAnn.