May 25, 2011

Hours of Peace

I took a day off of work, and spent most of the day at the Bountiful Temple.  From 11 am to 4 pm, I was able to complete all of the work necessary for Sarah A. Babcock.  Some Young Women were busy with baptisms, and the kind officials took the paper work in to the font area, and a young girl was baptized for Sarah, then confirmed right there outside of the font.  It was very special and moving to me, and I felt the Spirit very strongly.  I then did all of the other work for her personally, initiatory, endowment and sealing to her husband.  I felt so good and happy and peaceful, and I think she did too.

In the temple today, I witnessed two different women with disabilities, who even though it must have been extremely hard for them, made the effort to be there.  There was this sweet little old lady who was blind, and another young woman in her late 20's in a wheelchair.  Their determination and strength inspired me.  What a wonderful way to spend a day !

May 17, 2011

It's further than it looks :)

I've decided there is not a "straight shot" from the LV Strip to the LV Temple.  Maybe that's a good thing :)  I wound my way through the streets of Vegas, via Tropicana, then the 95, then Flamingo, then Boulder Hwy, then Lamb, then FINALLY Bonanza.  As I headed east towards the temple, the words "The Mountain of the Lord" came to my mind.  A HUGE mountain rises from behind the temple, and the road climbs considerably as you drive towards it.  Once there I completed initiatory work for 11 women, all related.  They were grandmothers, mothers, daughters, and sisters from Montana.  I spent a considerable amount of time on compiling their family information, and also received invaluable information from the Great Falls Genealogy Society.  It was a wonderful hour spent in the LV temple.