May 31, 2010

Standing next to the Savior

When you have the chance to “stand next to” the Savior, whether that is being in the Temple or partaking of His Holy sacrament or being enveloped by His love as you kneel to pray, you take it.

When you have the chance to stand up for what is right, to testify of truth, to courageously walk away from worldly pursuits and choose Him, you take it.

And in those moments,
nothing is more important than being right there,
as close as you can be,
to Him.

- Laurel Christensen

May 30, 2010

I am so excited !!

If you are like me, when you go inside the Salt Lake Temple, you get SOOOOO twisted around! As we move from one room to another, and from one floor to another, I don't know which way is what. I have always wished for an "overview", or a blueprint, or SOMETHING I could wrap my brain around.

Imagine my total and complete excitement this morning when I logged on to the Deseret News.

I am going to see this - SOON !! Anyone want to go with me??

May 29, 2010

Meeting Landon at the Temple

Yesterday morning I met Landon at the Ogden Temple at 10am. It was great to see him and catch up, in fact we had so much catching up to do that we paused at the entrance and finished our conversation.......softball, work, married life, etc. He is really really happy, and that makes ME happy :)

As we proceeded into the temple, he to do initiatory work (our family names) and me to an endowment session (Esther "hettie" Anderson), as always, I felt so very blessed to be able to enter the temple.

I don't talk much about what goes on inside the temple, because it is sacred, but I want you to know of my feelings. I love to be there. I feel peace. I know my Heavenly Father and my Savior LOVE ME. My faith is renewed once again. And the words, "I feel so blessed", repeat over and over in my mind...many times.

This quote is from the Sunday School lesson this week. It about sums it up.

Elder John A. Widtsoe said: “I believe that the busy person … who has his worries and troubles, can solve his problems better and more quickly in the house of the Lord than anywhere else. If he will [do] the temple work for himself and for his dead, he will confer a mighty blessing upon those who have gone before, and … a blessing will come to him, for at the most unexpected moments, in or out of the temple will come to him, as a revelation, the solution of the problems that vex his life. That is the gift that comes to those who enter the temple properly” (quoted by David B. Haight, in Conference Report, Oct. 1990, 76; or Ensign, Nov. 1990, 61).

May 22, 2010

Arizona Temple?

Of the many times we've been to Arizona in the last 10 years to visit Manda, I've never taken the time to visit this temple. I'm so glad I finally made the time in the EARLY morning (6:30 am) session one week ago today (March 15, 2010).

I've always called this the Mesa Temple, and was surprised that the wording on the temple itself said Arizona Temple. Apparently this was the original name (now changed), and it's not surprising, since this WAS the only temple in Arizona for many years. Now there is one in Snowflake (operational), one in Gila Valley (Open House stage), and TWO MORE in the planning/building stages (Phoenix and Gilbert). I can hardly wait to visit the others when they are completed.

You can read more about the Mesa Arizona Temple here.

I enjoyed an endowment session, and am always intrigued by new things. Endowment sessions are basically the same, but the way you progress/move into different areas/rooms in different temples changes with each temple. When you are experiencing a temple for the first time, it is exciting, and you are not sure what to expect. Wondering what beautiful paintings, murals, furniture, carpeting, color scheme, etc., you might encounter. Some things that caught my eye in the Mesa Temple, were the antique furniture, the square walls, the wide staircase, right angled veil......... It was a unique experience, and I want to return again.

When I came out of the temple about 8:15 am, I passed brides and grooms entering, and I couldn't help but think about Landon and Kacey, just a few weeks ago. There were also many people working on the temple grounds, trimming bushes, raking, etc. They appeared to be volunteers. One other thing I might mention is the housing surrounding the temple. There are signs, proclaiming this the "Temple Historic District", and the houses, circa 1920, are as cute, tiny, and well maintained as can be. I would love to live in one of them !

May 21, 2010

Snowflake Arizona Temple

Have you ever been to Snowflake, Arizona? Have you even heard of Snowflake, Arizona? I didn't think so :)

Snowflake was founded in 1878 by William Jordan Flake and Erastus Snow. They were Mormon pioneers and colonizers sent by Brigham Young.

When we drove in to town, it was unlike Monticello, and there was no temple to be seen from the main road. It was obvious however, that this town had a strong LDS presence. We counted 3 LDS churches, including an Old Rock Tabernacle building that reminded me of our Rock Church in Morgan.

Holbrook to the North, and Show Low to the South are bigger towns, but the temple was built in Snowflake and dedicated in 2002. It was built upon a hill, which is now known as Temple Hill, along the road leading west towards Phoenix. It's not an extremely tall hill, and even with directions I didn't spot it right away, but Roger with his trusty eagle eyes scoped it right out.

This hill is in the middle of a golf course, and a newer subdivision surrounds it. I think the home right below the temple is bigger than the temple itself !

I completed initiatory work for two more of my ancestors, and also two temple names. They were Spanish names, and I pronounced them really well, thanks to Landon's coaching :) Again, the workers were so accommodating with my time schedule, and I appreciated it. A funny thing that one of the sweet sisters told me about her ancestry, "I was a Frost, and I married a Flake, so now I'm a Frosted Flake!" :)

The temple as always was beautiful, with a red stone waterfall feature outside of the front entrance. I wish I would have taken a picture of it. I love the temple !

May 20, 2010

Monticello Temple

If we had a temple in Morgan, this is what I would HOPE it would be like. As we drove into the small town of Monticello, just three blocks off the main road to the right sits The Temple. The house right next door, could have been MY house. A completely normal home, not too fancy, not too big, just right.

When I entered at 4:30pm on a Thursday night, planning on a 5pm session, it was virtually empty. There was one sister sitting in the waiting area with a big smile. She directed me through the frosted windowed door to the recommend desk, where one brother glanced up with a big smile, "Welcome to the temple". I love to hear those words :)

He directed me to the right, and I followed the small discreet signs leading me to the Sister's dressing area. It was also deserted, but feeling completely at home I proceeded to change. By the time I was finished, patrons had began to arrive, and they all were so welcoming. It appeared that everyone knew everyone, had a connection, was smiling and happy, and I think this is how a temple in Morgan would function.

Three beautiful paintings covered the walls in the first ordinance room. They were set in huge frames on the two sides and back of the room, approximately 4 feet tall, by 15 feet in length, and depicting the southern Utah landscape of the area. The unique thing about these paintings were that they were set in the early morning light, before the sun was up......the colors were muted in deep shades or purple. I've never seen anything like it before. It was spectacular.

During the session I noticed a young man and his father. I was pretty sure he was a future missionary, and that this was probably only his second or third time at the temple. I spoke to him afterward in the Celestial Room, and sure enough, he has been called to serve in Brazil. I love missionaries !

The Celestial Room is on the North side of the temple, and had gorgeous stained glass windows in the colors of green. They were complimented by lamps in the room. I wish I had the verbiage and skill to describe every detail in the room. It was beautiful, peaceful, calm, safe....I felt the Spirit there.

In leaving the temple, I noticed across from the recommend desk, and through the clear and frosted windows, the baptismal font where it seemed like TONS of young people were assembled. Again, it made me think of Morgan, and OUR youth. What a wonderful opportunity and blessing and privilege it is for the people of Monticello, and the southwestern part of our state to have this temple in their midst.

May 19, 2010

Manti Temple

Have you ever seen THIS view? I hadn't either. This is the North side of the temple where you enter. I have only seen the South side, from the viewpoint of the Manti Pageant production.

The Manti Temple was dedicated in 1888, the 2nd temple (St. George was the 1st) completed in our dispensation. The Salt Lake Temple was still under construction. What a beautiful building. Walking down the hallway, I couldn't help but notice the embossed baby pink wallpaper that looked to be velvet to the touch, the deep rose carpet (old fashioned replica), and the antique lamps with hanging glass prisms, reminiscent of Pollyanna's movie.

I didn't complete an endowment session here, only initiatory work for my ancestors, Anna Susan Friedmann and Catherine Schneider. The workers were so accommodating with my need for speed :) as Roger was cruising the happening town of Manti while he waited.

I look forward to attending an endowment session here this coming June.

May 18, 2010

4 temples in 3 days

On our recent trip to Arizona, I was able to stop by these four temples. Roger was so accommodating, and I really appreciate his support. I'll post of the next few days, a little bit about my experience at each of these beautiful temples. It was wonderful !