August 08, 2024

Every other Tuesday morning with Mom at the Temple

July 9th, 2024 (Ogden Temple - sealings)

July 23, 2024 (Layton Temple  - sealings)

August 6, 2024 (Ogden Temple - sealings)

This last time I say Diane and Dan Dickson, Mark and Sheila Wilkinson, Karen Mead, Richard Wiscombe.

May 30, 2024

More Sealings with Mom

 Went with Mom to an early morning sealing sessions on May 28th.  In the session with us was Kari Ward (new married name).  She and her mother used to do Bountiful Baskets with me.  She looked happy.  We saw Lynette Stephens, but her husband Calvin was not our sealer this time. 

May 22, 2024

Layton Temple Open House

Today I took Mom and LuAnn with me to the Layton Temple Open House.  It is a beautiful temple.  The upholstery was amazing, the baptismal font waiting area was alot smaller than Ogden's, and a saw a picture of the Savior in the chapel that I had never seen before.  It was a good day at the soon to be dedicated temple. 


May 16, 2024

Thatcher is enjoying the Temple

Thatcher has been going to temple quite a bit with his friends from church and school.  He's been doing names for my mom.  The other day, he was able to be baptized for his Great Great Uncle, Benny Ray Colson, who died in 1979, shortly after Ambure died.  Ben was Roger's Aunt Judy's husband, and we received permission from her to have his work done.  Now, Chans will get his initiatory and endowment done, along with his son Greg's work.  

May 15, 2024

Sealings with Mom

 Mom and I went to the Ogden temple, early this morning and did some sealings.  We saw Calvin and Lynette Stephens, and Calvin was actually the sealer for part of our session.  We got alot accomplished.  It was a good morning in the temple with my mom.  When we got home, we found out that my dad's sister, my Aunt Barbara had passed away during the night.  I bet that reunion with her husband, and parents and sisters was extra special.  I know God lives and loves us.  I know Jesus atoned for our sins and short-comings, and that through his we will all LIVE AGAIN after we die here on this earth.  Oh what a sweet sweet thought that is.  There is life after death.  Death is NOT the end.  What a reunion it will be.   

May 14, 2024

Brigham City Temple for the first time

I went to the Brigham City Temple on May 10th, all by myself.  I did an endowment session, and one initiatory name.   I had never been to this temple before.  When they were building it, my friend Theresa and I stopped by on our way home from the Logan Temple, but we just drove around the block.   A year or two ago, as Brightyn and I were driving to Corinne for Hayleigh's baby shower, she spotted it off in the distance from the interstate, and exclaimed, "Grandma, there's a fairy princess castle!".   It was a good day in the temple.  

April 30, 2024

Morning at the Temple

 Another morning at the temple with Mom.  I sure love her. 

April 22, 2024

Two times in Two Days

I went with LuAnn to the Ogden Temple for an endowment session on April 17th in the afternoon, then got up really early and went with Mom on April 19th at 6:45 am for an initiatory session.

It was great to be back again.  After Conference, I've dedicated myself to do better at temple attendance.  

November 08, 2023

Provo City Center Temple with Sherilee

Sherilee invited me to stay a couple of days at her cabin near Sundance Resort, up Provo Canyon.  We stopped by the Provo City Temple on the morning of our adventure and did an Endowment session.  


October 24, 2023

First time at Gilbert Temple

While I was in Arizona helping Amanda after her hip replacement, she suggested I go take some time for myself at "church".  So I made an appointment, and did an endowment session at the Gilbert Temple.  I had never been here before, it was a wonderful morning. 


June 15, 2023

Moses' Temple (Tabernacle)

They had a replica of Moses' Temple (tabernacle) set up on the lawn at the Morgan Utah Stake Center.  We were able to tour it.  It was very interesting.  Those who went were:

Dad, Mom, Jessie Frannich, LuAnn, and Me


May 06, 2023

Temple Visits

 I have slacked off on reporting my temple visits.

Here's a recap:

July 29, 2022 - 7am to temple with Mom to do initiatory work.

October 22, 2022 - 7:30 am to temple with Mom to do initiatory work.

December 10, 2022 -  2pm Endowment session with LuAnn and family to do Cody's temple work.  Chans stood in as proxy for the initiatory and endowment. 

February 11, 2023 - 7:30 am to temple with Mom to do initiatory work.  

March 2023 - Endowment session with Erika at the Manhattan New York temple while on vacation

May 6, 2023  6:45 am to temple with Mom to do initiatory work.

May 16, 2022

Twice in April 2022

On April 22nd, EARLY in the morning, Mom and I and my good friend Sherilee Olson went down and did some initiatory work.  We were home by 8:30 am, and I was back to work by 9am.  It was wonderful to be in the temple. 

Then the next week, on Thursday, April 28th, I stopped by again after some meetings I had in Ogden, to do MORE initiatory work.  I didn't have an appointment until 5:00 pm, but showed up at the temple at 4pm.  I was able to sit and read the scriptures while I waited.  I read in Matthew, of our Savior's life.  I am so grateful that I have a temple so close, that I can attend easily.  I am truly blessed.  We have heard that when the Layton temple is finished, that it will be our assigned temple to attend.  I'm not sure when it will be ready, but I'm looking forward to it. 

March 04, 2022

Finally Back

 I scheduled an early morning sealing session at the temple today.  It's been a LONG time since I've been to the temple, and it was good to be back.  For me it seems harder to plan, and schedule, rather than just be able to drop in.  Mom has put some family names out on a Family Group, and I'm able to go in and "grab" them, and print them out, so that makes it easy.  President John Porter was working in the temple and was in my sealing session.  It was a wonderful morning in the temple.   

July 10, 2021

3 times - Hurrah !!

 I took mom to the temple on June 11th - 15 months since I've been to a session !   It was wonderful to be back.  Then on July 6th, I was able to go an see Cymbre and Dan Rowser be sealed for time and all eternity, then just yesterday morning, I took LuAnn, and we did another session.  All I can think when I'm in there, is how grateful I am to be able to be in the temple.  I am truly blessed.  

July 27, 2020

Phase 1 and Phase 2

Some temples have re-opened.   Phase 1, includes members who are already endowed, being able to be sealed together.  Phase 2, includes members who need their OWN PERSONAL endowment done, to be able to have that ordinance performed.

See the announcement here

I am missing the temple SO much.  I want to go back so badly.  The first presidency announced a change in the endowment.   I am looking forward to temples re-opening.

Click here for video of our Prophet, and his feelings about the temple closures

April 08, 2020

Our Temples are Closed

Who would have thought that when I went to the temple on March 6th, that it would be the last time............for while..........

It seemed that on March 12th, our world as we knew it "blew up".

Now here it is, April 8th.............

This is a portion of the Dedicatory prayer for the Salt Lake Temple on April 6, 1893 by President Wilford Woodruff.  It brings me HOPE and COMFORT

“Heavenly Father, when Thy people shall not have the opportunity of entering this holy house to offer their supplications unto Thee, and they are oppressed and in trouble, surrounded by difficulties or assailed by temptation and shall turn their faces toward this Thy holy house and ask Thee for deliverance, for help, for Thy power to be extended in their behalf, we beseech Thee, to look down from Thy holy habitation in mercy and tender compassion upon them, and listen to their cries. Or when the children of Thy people, in years to come, shall be separated, through any cause, from this place, and their hearts shall turn in remembrance of Thy promises to this holy Temple, and they shall cry unto Thee from the depths of their affliction and sorrow to extend relief and deliverance to them, we humbly entreat Thee to Turn Thine ear in mercy to them; hearken to their cries, and grant unto them the blessings for which they ask.”

I know that the temples will re-open, this COVID 19 will pass, and I will rejoice in the day when I can go to the temple once again !

March 06, 2020

Another Friday at the Temple

Another Friday at the Temple while Roger was a work.  It was super busy, and there were 16 women ahead of me for initiatory work.  Took me about an hour to do the work for five women.  

February 14, 2020

Friday at the Temple

Friday afternoon, I went to the temple while Roger was at the airport
I completed initiatory work for four women.

I saw Shelley Poll Hopkin, John Toone, Jean Dickson, and Lanette Ericksen while I was there.  It was a good day in the temple.  

January 31, 2020

Temple with LuAnn

You can't tell, but it's snowing !  When we came out of the temple last Friday morning (Jan 24, 2020), it was coming down hard.  We had a great morning in the temple doing initiatory work.  We had both gathered 5 names (each) from Family Search.  The individuals I did work for were all women born in the late 1800's.  Most were from Sweden and Denmark, but one was from Italy.  They are all distant relations.  It was wonderful to spend time with LuAnn. 

November 22, 2019

Salt Lake Temple, one last time before the renovation

Today, Mom and I traveled to SLC to meet Erika at the Salt Lake Temple.  We knew it would be the last time we would be able to visit this temple before it closes for renovation for FOUR YEARS.  It was wonderful to be there again with my sister and mom.

Things I want to remember:

Tons more women than men.  Probably 3 to 1 ratio.
Moving from the Creation room to the Garden of Eden room, then upstairs to the Telestial World room, having to wait here in this room before going next door to the Terrestrial Room (because the group ahead of us was so big I would guess), then finally into the Celestial Room, where there were literally 100 people.  Not kidding.  I've been in the Salt Lake Celestial Room probably a half a dozen times in my life, and never have I seen it so busy. It was amazing !

After we got back down to the dressing room, mom came out (after she had changed her clothes)  with mud? on her shoes......... so strange.  She hadn't tracked any in, and then when she came out?  It was all over....... so strange.

Finally, as we were in the elevators taking us back to the parking garage under the Conference Center, we passed a women (going into the elevator) as Mom and I were coming out.  I thought she looked so familiar !  I told mom, "I think that is a General President.............of something or another".  As I looked back, I saw Erika who was still in the elevator (headed down another level), look at the woman intently.  I knew that SHE would know who she was.  Sure enough when we got back to our car, Erika had left a text message.............not a General President, but Elizabeth Smart's MOTHER.  Of course, Erika struck up a conversation (no surprise :)  I'll have to ask her about it at Thanksgiving.  

November 08, 2019

Another Friday morning

This morning I went to the temple about 8am.  By the time I made it into initiatory, it was 8:30.  My goodness, I was the only one there !  Surprising.  I had five names I had reserved from Family Search on my phone app.  After I was finished, and walking out, who should I meet but my mom!?   That was a happy surprise.  After the temple, I went to the Family Search Center to meet my 2nd cousin, and we scanned my great grandfather's mission journal from 1898-1899.  I didn't get home until about 2:30 pm.  It was a wonderful day. 

November 01, 2019

Friday morning - Endowment Session

Dropped Roger D off at work again, and headed to the temple.
It was cold outside
I did the work for my distant relation, Minnie May Haram.  
She was my Grandpa Dickson's, third cousins' wife
It was a wonderful morning, and I was able to participate in the prayer circle in the 7:30 am session.

Afterwards I read from the Book of Mormon in the Celestial Room.
This scripture from Alma 26:27 has become my new favorite scripture. 

October 18, 2019

Friday morning sealings - I was a witness !

Today I dropped Roger off at work, and headed to the Ogden temple to do some sealings.  Some observations.  I saw two sisters that I know, one is divorced, and the other has an inactive husband like me.  They were there.  Good for all of us.  It's hard, but we will keep on going.  Prior to doing the sealing, I had sat down at my computer earlier that morning, and printed out some Temple Ready ordinances from Family Search.  I did 4 husband/wife sealings, and 5 daughter sealings to parents.  The sealer was named Penn Hollister, and he was great.  I was asked at one point to be a witness to the sealings that were taking place !  That was pretty exciting, and came about as a result of the last temple/baptism changes that were announced just before General Conference a week prior.   It was a great morning in the temple. 

October 03, 2019

Ward Temple Night

It was our ward temple night tonight.  I left work early and picked up LuAnn.  Jill Hatch also rode with us and met her husband Ed there. Our goal was the 6:30 session, and we made it.   Unfortunately we were the only ones from our ward who went, excepting Lauri and Mark Robinson, who were there for their grandson, Elder Ferrin who was receiving his endowments in anticipation of his upcoming mission to Oaxaca, Mexico.  There may have been others who went during the day, or to another session, but it was disappointing for sure that more didn't take the time (I know it's hard) or MAKE the time. 

September 20, 2019

Bountiful Temple

Went to the Bountiful Temple this morning with LuAnn, Georgia Miksell, and Sharlene Olsen.  The Ogden Temple was closed for cleaning.  We drove down in a really bad rain storm.  I was sure glad to get there.  We did an endowment session.

September 02, 2019

Temple Work - Both kinds

I was able to go with LuAnn and other members of our ward for a temple cleaning, on August 15th at 9:30 pm, till about 1am.  It was a great time to be there, even though it was tiring. 

I was finally able to get back to the temple on Friday morning, August 23rd, for Temple Work - this time sealings.   It was a beautiful morning.   I dropped Roger off at work, and then went, and was back to pick him up when he got off.   People I saw that I knew were Connie Porter, Sister Skinner, Jill Shupe, Craig and Valerie Whitear.

June 06, 2019

Friday - Finally !

I haven't been to the temple in so long. Roger being home on Fridays, and us having things planned, and then me working most of the Friday's in April and May.......... Excuses Excuses. Anywhoo. I went down Friday afternoon while Roger was at work, and did some initiatory work. Mom didn't have any cards, so I took Aunt Barbara's. I did 5. I had to wait about 40 minutes in between 3 and the next 2. It was a great day in the temple.

February 01, 2019

Relief Society Trip to the Temple

We are planning on doing a temple trip with the Relief Society every other month on the first Friday.  This time, Jody Carter, Vicki Rose, Georgia Mikesell, Lory Birt, LuAnn Rich, and I went.  We piled into two vehicles, and made the 10am session.  It was a great day at the temple with these special friends.

January 11, 2019

Temple (while Rog works)

I dropped of Rog at the airport in Ogden on Friday morning about 6:45 am, then headed in to the Ogden Temple. This might just because a weekly occurrence ! I was looking forward to going to an endowment session, to see what all of the new change was about. I LOVED it. Loved the changes, loved the still pics instead of video, loved the new wording, loved the shortened time. I LOVE THE TEMPLE. Geary Mecham was our officiator. I also saw, Lorraine Toone working there, and Peggy Creager, and Jill Melle and her mom (patrons). I didn't have enough time to participate in sealings or initiatory, but plan to do this next time. Picked Rog back up from work at 10am, and we continued with our day.

November 30, 2018

I tried...........

I dropped Roger off at work at the airport.  Headed to the Ogden temple to do some initiatory work.  Got in the dressing room, and dressed in socks, slippers, slip...........reached for my dress in the bag.........and realized it was hanging at home in my closet :(  

Well, I'll just have to get re-dressed, and go out and rent a dress.........

Oh !  I just remembered, I left my purse out in my car, dangit !  (ya, I didn't swear in the temple)

I just packed it up and left....... out the doors facing Washington Blvd (not the ones I came in). 

Oh well, I tried.  As it turned out, I used up every bit of my remainder time before having to pick up Roger D, getting all my shopping done. 

November 16, 2018

Twice in Two Days

Traveled to St. George to UAC meetings.  I was able to attend the St. George Temple on November 14th and 15th.  I did initiatory the first afternoon/evening, and sealings the next afternoon/evening.  I had never done either at the St. George Temple before, only endowments, and also I witnessed a sealing of one of my YW many years ago.  I enjoyed it very much, and was very happy I took the time in the temple instead of shopping.  Life is GREAT !!

November 04, 2018

To the Temple - Late Friday Afternoon (Hurry before I talk myself out of it!)

Friday I painted most of the day.  Roger was working in yards (as the Yard Master).  I knew I needed to go to Ogden (to Costco of course), and about 2:45 I cleaned up, and thought I'd head down.  I'd been listening to the Book of Mormon on my LDS Tools app all day long,  it was like I couldn't get enough of it !

The thought crossed my mind..........Maybe I should go to the temple too !

Almost immediately, the thoughts came of why not to......mostly the time involved...........
Then I quickly thought - HURRY !! Just put on a dress, and DO IT before you talk yourself out of it

So I did.
And I'm glad I did.
And I'm glad I have such an understanding husband, who came home to an empty house, no dinner.

I went to Costco after, and got home about 8pm (or a little after)

Glad I didn't let Satan talk me out of it.
I think listening to the prophets in the BOM all day had something to do with it.
THAT BOOK is powerful !

October 12, 2018

Back to the Temple

I went down to the Ogden temple to do initiatory work today.  I got there at 1:20, and left at 2:40......only did 3 names !  Boy they sure were busy.  I saw Lanette Jensen there working.  I like initiatory work, because it's quick (at least I thought it was going to be :)

August 10, 2018

Temple Baptisms with Treyson

Early this morning we headed to the Ogden Temple.  Mom and Dad went also, and I'm sure glad they did.
This was Treyson's first time at the temple to do baptisms for the dead.

He was kind of nervous, and Landon was supposed to go - but had to cancel at the last minute.
Thank goodness, Frankie Little was there, working in the baptistery, and when I told him that this was Treyson's first time, he took him under his wing, and showed just what to do.
We each (Treyson and I) did about 20 names that Mom had researched.  We were also confirmed for them.  Dad and Mom were able to come back into the font area, and Dad acted as witness, and Mom handed us our towels. 

It was a great morning at the temple.  I was so proud of Treyson. 

July 13, 2018

Friday the 13th - Relief Society Temple Trip

Jody Carter, Gwen Rich, LuAnn Rich, Jenni Earl, Vicki Rose, Valarie Lyells, Jill Hatch, Sharlene Olsen, Lynelle Rich

Friday the 13th, our Relief Society Temple Trip commenced.  We met at the church at 8:30 am, and traveled to the Ogden Temple to catch the 10am session.

It was a great time to be together.

Other's we saw from Morgan were, Jill Allred (came later with her husband), Chris Carrigan, Steve and Suzanne Carrigan (temple workers), Beth Belinski, and others I can't remember. 

March 16, 2018

Ward Temple Excursion

For Ward Conference, we had a Ward Temple night on March 16th.

I drove down with Vicki, LuAnn, and Jessie Mae as my passengers.  We had a great time talking and visiting on the way down.  Others who were there that evening were Bishop Aaron Rose, and wife Lisa, John and Debby Wilkinson, Johnny Wilkinson, Chris and Kim Mikesell, Cody and Shara Birt, Deona and Chad Green, Richard and Susan Wiscombe, The Gublers, Scott and Sherilee Olson, Malan and Deanne Johnson, Brother Smith (from the High Council), Annette and Jeff Streadbeck.  It was great to be together as a ward.  In the celestial room after the endowment session, it was like I imagine heaven to be, as we greet our loved ones.

February 16, 2018

Relief Society Presidency visit to the temple

Beautiful morning at the temple with
Angie, Jody, Vicki, and myself
We did 3 of mom's names, and some of the people from Morgan we saw there were Connie Porter, Frankie Little, and Myra Turner.
It was wonderful to be together. 

December 22, 2017

Bountiful Temple with family

Today I took Mom and Dad down to the Bountiful temple where we met Erika, Aaron, Tiana, and Brian.  We completed an Endowment Session.  It was great to be together.  So glad that we were able to go in between snow storms, and the roads were good.   

November 14, 2017

Cedar City Temple Open House

I stopped by on my way to St. George meetings.  It was beautiful.  I loved the paintings, some of which I had never seen before.  Also the stained glass (taken from a Presbyterian church back east) was spectacular.  There were hints of Juniper trees and columbine in the motif.  It is a small temple, and sits high up on the hill.  You can see it as you are coming from the North, but not the South.  Best way to get to it is to take the 2nd? exit, the one that has a lighthouse by it.  So glad I took the opportunity to stop. 

July 14, 2017

Cleaning the Temple

I signed up to clean the Ogden Temple last night/this morning.  I worked there from 9:35 pm (we actually started cleaning at about 10:15 pm), and stopped at 12:25 am.  I worked with Melanie Rose, and we "mopped" the tile and marble floors in the basement of the temple, including the cafeteria, laundry, engineering rooms.  What a wonderful experience.  One I will definitely do again if I have the chance.

July 07, 2017

Early Morning at the Temple

I met Mom and Dad at the Ogden temple today.  It's been a long time since I've been.  It was good to be back.  We did Initiatory Work.  I love my parents and their dedication to the temple.    

January 21, 2017

To the Temple with LuAnn

Grandma Ben (LuAnn) wanted to get as many of the family together as possible, and all of us go to the temple.  It was a great afternoon, and a special time to be together.  Kerry, Joni, Landon, Kacey, Chans, Tausha, LuAnn, Hunter, and Eric (and myself - not pictured) were able to go.  Keysto and Kaley were stuck in traffic in the canyon, and didn't make the 3pm session.

Some of the people I knew and saw there that afternoon were, Kraig and Debra Walker, George and Margaret Hopkin, and Mr. Russell (Don Russell) - my 6th grade school teacher, and Jan Gailey.  I hope to be able to work in the temple one day.  

September 15, 2016

Salt Lake Temple with Hugo and Landon

Our friend, Hugo Perez is visiting from Peru.  Landon baptized him and his family back in 2008 while serving as a missionary there.  Hugo has spent an enjoyable week here in Utah with our family.  We topped it off last night, by  a session at the temple.  A temple he has only be able to IMAGINE going to.  It was a very special experience for him (and us).   Afterwards we walked around Temple Square, the Joseph Smith Building, and had supper at the Lion House.  Such a special time. 

July 22, 2016

Early morning - Ogden Temple

I met Mom and Dad here for initiatory work at 8am.  

May 20, 2016

Utah County Temple Tour

Today Mom and Erika and I traveled to Payson the LONG way......... and we went to the Payson temple and did initiatory work.  I looked for Matt Hone's mom to introduce myself and say hi, but her shift had ended.  I think the temple was so pretty.  It reminded me of an Arabic building out of Alladin.  It almost had a pink tone to it.  The stained glass windows were beautiful. 

We then grabbed us some lunch at Zupas, and made it to the Provo City Center temple in time for the 1pm session.  What a beautiful restoration has taken place in that building!  We parked underneath, and entered the main doors (which are on the basement level).  The ordinance rooms we started in were covered in the most beautiful nature murals, and when we moved to the second ordinance room on the level above us, we climbed the winding narrows stairs in one of the corner turrets!  The celestial room was gorgeous as was to be expected.

We saw Roger and Karen Bigler who used to live in Morgan, and also Marianne Merz, the wife of Michael Merz, who is mom's first cousin.  It was a great day to be in the temple with my mom and sister. 

I love the temple.  My next date is to attend the Vernal Temple in June when I go to the Assessor's Summer Workshop.  (didn't end up going to the workshop)

April 15, 2016

Planning for it

At our last ward conference, Stake President Joey Skinner said to always have a date planned, for the next time you will be going to the temple.  I knew I would be down in Ogden on Friday for UAC meetings, so I planned on going afterwards to the Ogden Temple.  When I arrived there about 11am, it was PACKED.  I could barely find a parking space.  As I was walking in from the Washington Boulevard side, there was a bridal party that was just finishing up with pictures, and the FLOWERS!!  Oh my, beautiful, smelled so nice.  Spring is beautiful. 

I was able to make the 12 noon session, and our old Stake President councilor, Brother Bohman was officiating in the chapel.  I also saw Kathy Collins, and Byron Porter and his wife and daughter, and low and behold, my visiting teacher, Heidi Eggett and her husband Roger were in the same session, and I was able to sit next to her.

It was a wonderful day in the temple. My next plan is to go down the Provo City Center Temple with Mom.

April 01, 2016

Orlando Temple

Mom and Erika and I visited this beautiful temple today while vacationing in Florida.  We performed initiatory ordinances.  It was so nice to be here, away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

March 20, 2016

Provo City Center Temple Dedication

This morning I was able to go to the Morgan Utah Stake Building with my parents and participate in the Provo City Center Temple Dedication via satellite.  It was a great experience.  I have only done this once previously, with the Brigham City Temple Dedication.  I hope to go here in person soon.

March 17, 2016

Wonderful afternoon in the Salt Lake Temple

I was in meeting in SLC most of the day, but had decided that I was going to go to the Salt Lake Temple when I finished.  Last week we had Ward Conference, and it was very inspiring, and helped me and buoyed me up.  One of the things that I am determined to do, is to always have a "date" set when I will go to the temple NEXT.  So right after that meeting on Sunday, I made the decision to go the the Salt Lake Temple on Thursday after my meetings.  My NEXT date to go to the temple in on April 1st, when I will be in Orlando Florida with Mom and Erika, and will attend the temple there.

I loved my experience at the Salt Lake Temple today.  After the session in the Celestial Room, I was able to sit for about 30 minutes, and since I was so close to finishing the Book of Mormon, I did so, right there in the Celestial Room.  That was a special experience to read Moroni's promise there.  To have faith that all will be well, everything will work out, I'm on the right course, and will endure to the end.  

October 28, 2015

Missionary Endowment

Coming out of the Ogden Temple, after participating in an Endowment session for one of my FAVORITE people :)

Miss Rinon is going to the Ohio Cincinnati Mission.  She leaves on December 2nd
 (her birthday !)
President Porter is the mission president there (our former Stake President).
She will be AWESOME !!

July 02, 2015

Hunter's Endowment

Eric and Hunter (Darrin's daughter) will become husband and wife for eternity on July 11th.  Today, I was able to go to the temple for Hunter's endowment.  Landon and Kacey went also, along with Joni and Grandma Rich.  It was a beautiful morning in the temple.  We are so happy for Hunter and Eric. 

June 19, 2015

Finally Back

I was able to go to the temple with Mom and Dad this morning to do sealings.   When we got down there, Marta West was also in our session.  We also saw Jean and Stephen Dickson, and Betty Holman, and Brent Porter and son, and Geary Mecham.  It was a great morning.  The new Ogden Temple is very beautiful.  We parked right on Washington Boulevard, and walked in the East entrance.  It is kind of confusing, once inside.  Sure different from the old one, which will always hold a special place in my heart.

February 22, 2015

Looking forward to this !

My recommend is renewed, and I'll be going soon :)

September 03, 2014

Ogden Temple Open House

I went to the Ogden Temple Open House with my grandson Treyson, my parents, and my sister and her family (The Bettinsons).  What a beautiful temple renovation...........but part of me misses the old one.  It will be great to have a temple close again.  I don't know why Bountiful seems so far ;)

September 06, 2013

Back..............after a long time

I haven't been to the temple since March.  6 months..........  too long away.  I went down this morning with my parents and we did initiatory work.  I felt such a peace and happiness there today.

One of the women that worked with me at the temple was Barbara and Wellen Carter's daughter Joanne.  I thought she looked familiar, so took a chance and asked if she had ties to Morgan.  It's such a small world.  Her brother, Gary gave me my first "real" valentine.  A heart shaped box of chocolates.  I was in 5th grade.  He was in 6th.  He delivered it to my classroom, and all eyes were upon me.  I just about died of embarrassment.  Funny the memories.

March 06, 2013

Ward Temple Night

I drove down with my mother-in-law, LuAnn, and neighbor, Sharlene Olsen last night to the Bountiful Temple.  It was great to be there with many of our ward members.  Some who went were, Bishop and Terrie Stephens, Dave and Michelle Manning, Roger and Heidi Eggett, Clif and Virginia Burwell, Mark and Lauri Robinson, Chris and Kim Mikesell, Rodney and Vicki Rose, Brandyn and Amanda Thackeray, Richard and Susan Wiscombe, Mark and Sherrie Rich, Kurt and Angie Bryant, Denise and Howard Hansen, and Matt and Jessie Frannich and Brett Earl.  There may have been others, but those are who I can remember.  The Temple President and his wife spoke to us before the Endowment.  It was a very nice evening.

January 04, 2013

Sealing with Family

I went with Mom and Dad and met Erika, Aaron and Tiana at the Bountiful Temple to do sealings today.  I was finally able to get all of my family history work that I have been procrastinating on DONE!  About 15 couples sealed together.  It was a good day.

December 21, 2012

Temple with Tiana

I took Mom and Dad down and met Erika and Aaron and Tiana at the Salt Lake Temple today.  
Tiana received her endowments in preparation for her mission next month.  It was a great day !

August 26, 2012

FIVE Temples in Two Weeks

Kansas City Temple - July 2, 2012
We were there on a Monday and it was closed, but we were able to walk around the grounds and take pics.  It is not very far from the Liberty Jail.
We visited the Kirtland Temple, which is not owned by our church now.  This is a picture of a painting, showing the building of the temple back in the 1830's.

Here is the temple today - July 2012.  We were able to tour it for the cost of $3.00.  I was glad to go there, but sorry to see that the upkeep is not what I hoped it would be.  

Wonderful Nauvoo Temple - we enjoyed an endowment session, and were able to meet Sister Memmott, wife of President Memmott who used to live in Morgan, and who sealed our family together forever in the Ogden Temple on December 12, 1987.  It was SO SO hot in Nauvoo, and it was a great escape to be within the cooling walls of this temple.  

The sacred grove - picture taken by me on a beautiful early morning.   Later we attended the  Palmyra Temple, which is adjacent to the Grove.

The Palmyra Temple - see the window right in the middle?  It is clear, at the request of President Hinckley, so that you can look right out towards the Sacred Grove.  We attended an endowment session here.

Winter Quarter's Temple - again, we were here on a Monday and it was closed.  It is a beautiful temple, right next to the cemetery.